Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Searching For Balance

As this school term is winding down, I feel I am less and less balanced, which is affecting my entire life. I swing like a pendulum between school work all the time to complete school work avoidance. I feel like I am spiraling out of control, and I have nothing to reach out and grab hold of to arrest my spin and fall.

Except that I do have things to reach out and grab hold of. One of the things I'm doing to bring balance back to my life is attending Aikido. Even when I feel like I'm going to be swallowed whole by a never ending string of assignments, I go to Aikido. This hour twice a week helps to ground me back in reality. It reaffirms that I can fall and get back up, and that there is more than one way to deal with an attack or problem. I also feel more energized after the intense mental and physical exercize, which allows me to takcle my assignments with new verve.

Another thing I am doing to return balance to my life is to read something non-school related before bed. I have switched to taking a shower at night, which helps to relax tense muscles in preparation for sleep. To relax my mind, I pick up a copy of National Geographic and read for at least half an hour in bed before turning off the light. This allows me to place distance between myself and my work. Since returning to this practice, I find I am sleeping more soundly and waking with less difficulty.

I am learning to say "no" to people who place demands on my time. When I have an assignment that needs to be finished, or when I just need time to myself to unwind, I do not allow myself to feel obligated to participate in group activities.

And finally, I am achieving balance again by having daily knitting time. Even if I only get a few rows done, I let myself get caught in the rhythm of the stitches, and of the movement of the needles. I am also knitting for myself again, instead of commissions. By doing this I don't feel the obligation to "get it done" and I can truly enjoy the process. This unwinding is akin to reading in bed, it gives me distance from the stressful parts of my life. I am currently working on a pair of socks using handpainted yarn and my own pattern design.

I am also realizing that balance is something that takes continual concentration and mindfulness. Now I'm off to class, where one of my idols is giving a guest lecture today.

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